書画・骨董・新古美術 朝比奈

書画・骨董・新古美術 朝比奈

Gallery Introduction店舗のご紹介

京都・祇園 八坂神社南楼門( 正門の石鳥居) の斜め向かいに実店舗がございます。
Our store is located diagonally across from the south gate of Yasaka Shrine (stone torii gate at the main gate) in Gion, Kyoto. We welcome you to the gallery in a beautiful space full of seasonal beauty.

■営業時間(Business Hours)
PM1:00 ~ 6:00

京都市東山区清井町493-2 サイト祇園八坂1F
1F Saito Gion Yasaka Bldg.493-2 Kiyoi-cho Higashiyama-ku Kyoto 605-0821 JAPAN


■定休日(Regular closing day)
※We are often away from the office for stocking up, etc.Please contact us in advance to ensure your visit.

■御連絡の方法(How to make an appointment)


【When you visit us】
Please let us know in advance if you have a specific piece you would like to see in person.We will exhibit the work according to your schedule.


【To everyone from the owner】
By facing the real thing, you will feel the power of the "real thing" beyond the digital.
We look forward to seeing you all soon.

 店主 朝比奈 明世


※京阪電車「祇園四条駅」下車 徒歩6分
※京都市バス「祇園」バス停下車 徒歩1分

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